Sunday, February 2, 2014

February Currenlty

February snuck up on me and I am excited to participate in February Currently

Listening to: We aren't big football fans in our house but we have the Super Bowl on. I love watching the commercials and I don't want to be the only one at work who didn't watch tomorrow when everyone is talking about it!

Loving: I just spent a week in Florida attending and presenting at FETC! It is an amazing ed tech conference and I love every second of it but I am happy to be home with my husband, our two puppies, our home and getting back into a regular routine.

Thinking: January has been so off and on between holidays, snow days, work days and the conference!  If I am counting correctly I worked 10 days in the month of January ( I don't have my planner RIGHT in front of me. ) 

Wanting: FETC was such a whirlwind and my brain is overflowing with ideas and take aways from the conference. I want to sit down and go through my notes and start getting my February Tech Training together BUT my brain cannot handle it right now.

Needing: I do NOT sleep when I am away from my husband/the girls and the week was jam packed so I am completely drained and exhausted! I just need to go to bed but I am too stubborn. I also need to go to the doctor tomorrow for four separate issues - 1. A sinus infection  2. A bump on my skull/neck - I think it's swollen lymph nodes from said infection 3. A rash/ break out I've had on my face for EVER and 3. My knee.

1. TRUTH - Tomorrow is my birthday!
2. FIB- I am not running a full marathon this year but I am running a half in September and a race a month - knee permitting.
3. TRUTH- I am #obsessed with Twitter and have really expanded my PLN in the past few weeks by participating in #edchats #edtechchats and attending #fetc! Are you on Twitter? What do YOU love about it? Do you participate in chats?

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to have you as a follower :)!


  1. Happy, happy birthday to you tomorrow! I, too, only have the Super Bowl on so I can talk about it at school tomorrow :)


    1. THANKS :)! We are supposed to get some snow and I've had 2 birthday snow days so I am wondering if I will be at home in bed or at school talking about the Super Bowl ! I can't wait to check out your blog and I am your newest follower!

  2. Happy birthday, Nikki. :) Hope you feel better soon. So, I have a twitter account and I follow some people. I don't get it. What do you suggest?

    Not very fancy


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