Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Currently and Google Form Election


Happy November blogging friends! 
I am linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for November's Currently! 
Head over to her blog and link up and join in the fun!

1. Lilly and Gremmy are my two precious babies! They make me smile everyday and I don't know what I would do without them! Here they are on Halloween. Gremmy was a ladybug and Lilly was a bumble bee. How cute are they? Our pantry was so unorganized and became a huge mess with only two shelves so my husband, being the handy man that he is decided to remodel the whole thing! I cannot wait for him to finish as my pantry is our kitchen table right now!

2. - If you are looking to connect your class globally with other students this is an awesome site! You can find a classroom anywhere in the world to exchange emails, skype or to complete different projects with! Right now I am in the process of finding epals for our 8th grade class to exchange emails which are secure through the site (you can see all incoming and outgoing which are filtered for inappropriate content or language). What a great way to learn about different cultures and build connections across the oceans blue! 

3. So for all of my elementary teachers reading this please don't hate me I know that this is evil but it was one of the selling points for me to take the technology position! Report cards on average took me between 16 and 18 HOURS. I am so thankful that I did not have to spend my entire weekend diligently writing report card comments! What a perk to my new gig!

4. I have been searching for jazzy boots for some time now but I cannot seem to find any that fit right! I can't even find a picture of boots I like but I want them!

5. FETC is right around the corner and we haven't started on our presentation yet! My poor blog seems to take the back seat to life even though I've tried to make it a priority! "Eventually things will slow down," said NO teacher ever! I mean sure June will eventually come!

6. Knee Deep is one of my favorite songs and I am feeling a beach vacation is needed :)! 


  1. I saw your link on Farley's blog. I'm super excited to find another technology-loving blogger. I can't wait to read more about your adventures in ITRT! Your dogs are adorable! Have a great report-card free November!

    1. So glad you found me and my blog :)! I sure did enjoy a report-card and conference free weekend and workdays! Lilly and Gremmy are my precious babies!

  2. i just ordered new boots today too...i just found you through the your newest follower...drop by=)

    Just Wild About Teaching

    1. Where did you find your boots? I am having trouble finding my size that are not huge in the leg area. Big feet can sometimes be such a pain! Glad you found me :)!

  3. Your pups are adorable in their costumes. I just spent the last few hours filling out report cards so I am def envious of you! Lattes and Laughter

    1. I knew I would add salt to the wound for classroom teachers by bringing up the report card-less weekend that I had! Lilly and Gremmy actually love wearing shirts so they were so cozy and happy with the costumes. Happy blogging :)!


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