Sunday, November 4, 2012


Happy November blogging friends! Every year I play 30 days of thankfulness on Facebook but my November 1st status didn't post from my phone and I didn't realize until the next day. Yes I am that OCD that I couldn't begin on November 2nd so I was beyond thrilled when I saw Storie's link up Top 10 Things I am Thankful For. I am so thankful every day for my many blessings but these are the top ten things I am thankful for today!


  1. Oh my gosh. I'm that OCD too. Was really disappointed that I could join in because I didn't start on the first!!!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

    1. I am glad to know I am not the only one who is that OCD! I was really sad that my status didn't post from the Facebook app on my phone BUT this linky made it all ok :)!

  2. Thanks for linking up! It's funny that you mention the Facebook thankful idea. I see all of my friends doing it, but I have never joined in for the same reason - I miss the first day and then feel kinda silly for joining the party late. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one :)
    Stories by Storie

    1. You're welcome! I love the linky and you offered a solution to my lack of participating on Facebook! I was really disappointed that my status didn't post on the first so I am happy to be able to play along with your linky :)! Happy November!

  3. Thanks for stopping by and following. I'm a new follower of yours now too. I tend to reply to comments by email and when I went to reply to you I noticed it said "no reply" as the email address. I highly recommend allowing people to reply via email. (Sometimes I send freebies that way.)

    Take care,
    Surfing to Success

    1. Thanks, Mercedes. I always forget to check the box that says subscribe by email l(that's how much I am NOT active in the blogging world) haha. Happy you found me though and were able to comment here.

  4. Thanks for saying hi on my blog and also for following. I love Thai food, too! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Young Daze in 5th Grade

  5. I'm a new follower to your blog! I also just recently left the "regular classroom" when I took a position as reading specialist. I like your list of thankfuls!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late


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