Thursday, March 27, 2014


I cannot say enough about the power of Twitter! I love learning from other educators and sharing my expertise. #edchats are an awesome way to expand your PLN and I have made some amazing connections with likeminded educators. Twitter has exposed me to some amazing ideas, resources and opportunities!

I may have became a little obsessed with Twtiter back in January before FETC 2014 and could've probably won an award for the most #fetc tweets i.e. biggest nerd. Let's just say that Jennifer Womble, the event organizer KNEW my Twitter handle when I arrived in sunny Florida and introduced myself. 

Anyways, I "met" Tara L. on Twitter right before I left for FETC, we connected over a #fetc tweet and I was able to actually meet her in person at the conference. This was my first time meeting a "Tweep" and I have to admit it was a little awkward BUT she was so sweet and we had a great conversation! During our brief meeting she invited me to check out EdCamp Arlington and later tweeted me the information at me.

I had never heard of edcamp but was eager to learn more. I became fascinated and registered as soon as I got home from FETC! As usual I began researching and finding out everything I could about edcamp. THIS is where I always began. You gotta LOVE Google and all the places you can go.

The first thing I learned is that edcamp is an UNconference! There are no proposals or presentations. No brochures or vendors trying to sell you a program! Edcamps are organized by educators FOR educators. They are participant driven professional development conferences. Sessions are decided upon the morning of the event by participant suggestions. Talk about teacher empowerment and meaningful professional development.

I am MOST looking forward to connecting with other educators, sharing experiences, expertise, ideas, and resources. I learned A LOT at FETC and was honored to be able to present and share but my biggest takeaways this year were the connections that I made with people either face to face or on Twitter. I learned so much in our unstructured time just talking to other educators and that is exactly the focus of edcamp! I can't wait to attend on Saturday. Have you ever attended an edcamp? What advice would you give to a #newbie?! Is there an edcamp in YOUR area? 

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