Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Currently

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for one of the most popular linky parties, Currently! I love seeing what my other blogging buddies are up to and discovering new blogs. It is also a quick little reflection time for me which I love too. 

Listening: We have been watching Chopped Champions all day! It is one of our favorite shows and we happened to have a whole series of 5 episodes on DVR :)! To say the least we've had a VERY lazy Sunday!

Loving: It seems like we've had a very long and drawn out winter here in VA without the benefits of many snow days so I am thrilled that spring is FINALLY here and the weather is beginning to warm up! I also continue to LOVE MY LIFE but feel like I have said that on every previous Currently haha!

Thinking: I need to start running again now that the weather is warming up I have NO EXCUSES. I signed up for my first 5k Color Run in September which gives me plenty of time to procrastinate. For some reason I just cannot make myself enjoy running and I find myself thinking of the millions of other things that I could be doing with my time haha. My Jawbone UP band is also motivating me since we have a pretty big team of 15 or so at school and I don't like not being in first place so the competitiveness in me will encourage me to get my butt in gear!

Wanting: I am really looking forward to summer for SO many reasons! That is all.

Needing: We've had a really lazy weekend and I need to finish up getting ready for the week! SMART Notebook kept crashing and I got frustrated while creating a third grade edcanvas lesson because I couldn't find any resources.

Advice: This is one of my favorite pieces of advice. Life has given me LOTS of perspective so I feel like this is something that I have learned. It is so frustrating to hear people complain about EVERYTHING and I often find myself shouting (in my head), "SOMEONE ELSE HAS IT WAY WORSE THAN YOU. THIS is not worth the time to complain about." I know we all have bad days and everyone has problems so don't get me wrong but I don't like being around people who complain and are so negative about everything. Life is too happy with the life that you have OR make some changes! Ok. enough of my soap box.

Happy April friends!


  1. I am so looking forward to spring too! I hopped over to your blog from the linky! :)

    KinderKids Fun

    1. Thanks for stopping by :)! Spring and warm weather are finally here!!! Hooray!

  2. Nikki, your advice above is a good reminder. Thanks for stopping by my blog. For some reason you didn't show up on my follower list. Hope you'll come back and try it again.

    Jill-your latest follower

  3. Hi, I just found your blog through Currently. I LOVE your advice. I just read recently that things we mnost often complain about are things we can actually do something about. Not sure if that holds true all the time, but I liked it. I'm NOT a good runner but try to run several times a week. I don't seem to improve much, but it's an awesome stress reliever.


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