Monday, March 4, 2013


SCANAPALOOZA was such a huge success that I wanted to share some of our resources with all of my lovely followers (all 97 of you)! Just click the screen shot to see the full PDF version of our presentation! I know it goes without saying but please do not use our resources as your own or attempt to present our session :)!

So our whole concept was to show that QR Codes can be SO much more than a self checking answer key so we focused on the four highest levels of Bloom! I created this Bloom's Taxonomy Pyramid with QR Codes which you can reference if you need a Bloom's refresher! 

This is our main SCANAPALOOZA packet which has some general information and resources! 

We ran our session very much like our classroom! As participants entered the room they scanned a TwtPoll as our "pre-assessment"! This helped us to gauge our audience and see everyone's experience with QR Codes. We opened with a video created in iMovie that showcases all the ways we use QR Codes in grades 1-8 at Porter! Then instead of lecturing we ran allowed for choice amongst four higher level learning centers that involved QR Codes! During this time we circulated around the room and were there to answer questions and modeled our role as facilitators. We finished up the session with a "post assessment" TwtPoll to see the level of comfort with QR Codes and finding an idea for immediate implementation after our session! Check out the video!

Applying: At Station 1 participants could watch a video tutorial explaining how to make different types of QR Codes! This was a great starting point for beginners!

Analyzing: Station 2 was set up around the room although the space did not allow for participants to get up and move around this was our intention! The Disney QR Code Scavenger Hunt allowed participants to see a fun example of a looping scavenger hunt in action! Each Disney character's clue led you to another character. 

Evaluating: At Station 3 participants scanned QR Codes with pictures and clues and then were able to use Google Earth or the internet to help identify the famous landmark and the city/state of it's location! Since we are a Thinking Map school we incorporated the Brace Map with this project! 

Creating: Station 4 was an example of a podcast linked to a QR Code for a 5th grade Wax Museum project! 

I would LOVE to hear how you are using QR Codes in your classroom! Did you get any ideas from your virtual FETC of SCANAPALOOZA?! I would love your feedback, please leave a comment or perhaps a voice message using Speak Pipe!


  1. Yay! Thank you for sharing. I've been waiting for you to post more than just self-check skills with QR codes :)

    Teaching In Oz

    1. I got your Speak Pipe message (which I LOVED) and I was just getting ready to respond but it looks like you are one step ahead of me! I hope this these ideas and resources can help you. I would love to hear your thoughts and what you are doing or plan to do with QR Codes!

    2. Well I just so happened to have used them not too long ago (last week in fact). I've got a write up and lesson freebie on the post :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wow! What a great post! I've been following your blog for a few months now, and have been so impressed. I've used QR codes in class as scavenger hunt assessments, and I've made a few worksheet type activities with them, but have never either of the websites you highlighted. So excited to give them a try.

    1. You're sweet! Thank you so much for your comments. I am so thrilled to hear that you are finding my blog to be of impressive ;)! I love that you are using QR Codes as well. Glad I could offer a few new resources! Would love to hear more when you try them out!

  4. I am so excited to see this but I can't access anything in Google Drive, nor could I join your Edmodo group!

    Can you help me?

    Nancy Williams

    1. Hey! I just saw you asked for permission to the QR Code pyramid and now I have your email address! I will happily forward everything along to you! I am not sure why it is not allowing you to see it in Google Drive. I have it on a share setting. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your persistence :)! Happy Wednesday!

    2. I just shared everything with you and changed the permissions! For some reason Chrome is not working properly on my MacBook! Again, I am sorry for the confusion with this and hope it was worth the wait!

    3. Thank you, Nikki! I am only at the QR Code "self checker" level and anxious to move up the Blooms ladder. Anything you share is greatly appreciated!


    4. Well you have to begin somewhere and I am so happy you are wanting to explore more and find creative and higher level applications! Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything :)!


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