Sunday, September 9, 2012

QR Codes

Hey everyone! Here is my third video blog using a new Mac app I found called Jing which allows you to record audio and capture your screen! I have been playing around with lots of different websites and apps like this and wanted to give it a try. Jing is a free download but you do need to create an account. The other side of Jing is which allows you to save, edit and share your videos. One thing I really like about Jing is the ability to pause and resume recording. The free version allows for a 5 minute recording. I found Jing while stalking a new blog that I am in love with called Fried Technology and she used it to grade Google Doc assignments, definitely something I am going to pursue. Anyways, I had every intention of writing my own blog post last night BUT I spent hours (yes, I know it was a Saturday night) reading through Amy's previous posts. I know I am a nerd. I also joined the rest of the world on Twitter and found some people to follow. I know you must be thinking, "What took you so long?" and I am not really sure I have the answer other than I just didn't "get it" actually I still don't think I "get it!" BUT if you are on Twitter you can now follow me!

Anyways, this is a quick tutorial on how to make a QR Code using a website called QR Stuff. I have mentioned my obsession with QR Codes herehere and here but haven't really gone into too much detail about what they are or how to make them so I hope this helps get you started if they are new to you OR gives you an idea for using them if you have some experience already. QR Code scavenger hunts are easy to create, super engaging and a lot of fun for everyone!  

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

How have YOU used QR Codes in your classroom? 


  1. Thank you for the tutorial! I haven't tried QR codes yet, but I want to, so this was perfect. I am also your newest follower!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for checking it out and following my blog. There are SOOO, SOOO, SOOO many things you can do with QR Codes. The possibilites are really endless. I will be posting more *ideas* for using QR Codes and would love to hear what you come up with! I've seen very young children (1st graders age 6/7) up through grown adults so motivated and engaged using QR Codes which is one of the million reasons I love them so much.

  2. Can't wait for the scavenger hunt on Wednesday!! ;)

    1. Hey Alex! I sometimes feel bad that you are never surprised because you always hear what's going on from my blog. I am excited for the scavenger hunt too, I hope we have time to get to most of it but there is SO much to do! I think I am going to offer a prize for the first one to complete it with correct answers :)! Megan did a great job coming up with clues!
