Sunday, September 9, 2012

Linoit with QR Codes

I <3 sticky notes (real and digital)! I have all sizes, shapes and shades of pink in my desk drawer, ColorNotes on my Droid, Stickies on my MacBook and Lino It which I will be blogging about today! is free but you do have to create an account. There is also a Lino It app for iThings (pads/pods).

So basically Lino It is an online interactive corkboard. You can post sticky notes, pictures, videos, links, etc. and it is an awesome collaboration tool. You can play with the settings to create a private or public board depending on what you want. It is a great tool for brainstorming!

Since I just blogged about QR Codes and asked you to share how YOU can or do already use QR Codes I thought this was a perfect time to share Lino It.  Go ahead, get your sticky on and post on my QR Code board.

Second Grade Chatter just blogged about Lino It and had some great classroom ideas so check out her post over here.

I know I'm breaking the "blogging rules" by posting a second time in one day BUT doesn't it all even out if I didn't post yesterday? Last week was so hard to post being back to school and I have a feeling this week will be no different. There is no tired like teacher tired!

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