Friday, September 7, 2012

Linky Parties

TBA's Ultimate Linky Party

 I <3 linky parties and I just found The Teaching Blog Addict's Ultimate Linky Party Post! Now I am overwhelmed with linky parties. I'm sure I've admitted this before but I Google everything (literally EVERYTHING) which is how I came across this awesome post! Since it is also nearly impossible for me to make decisions and I am a little OCD I will link up with 3 today (everything I can control doing in 3s, I do, don't ask).

The second linky party is "What's your teacher-ism?" with Luckeyfrog's Lillypad ! This actually makes me laugh out loud because I can always tell my teacher-isms by what I hear my students saying to one another! This also makes me laugh because during my first year of teaching a parent of a very shy little girl came in with a list of "teacher-isms" that her daughter imitated while playing school with her dolls, little sister and friends. Apparently she had ME down perfectly! So some my teacher-isms are any phrase with the word "friends" attached to it, "Get it together!", "Seriously?!" I am sure there are more but I haven't been with kids yet this year so these are what I can recall from last year!

The third linky party is a Technology Tool LinkUp with Literacy and Laughter! While at a training with Chris Toy in August he introduced the group to socrative which is an awesome Web 2.0 tool that can be used with laptops, iPods, iPads or smart phones! Check out their intro video. It is free but you do need to create an account! I have not created a quiz with it yet but I cannot wait to put it to use in the classroom! I know a few middle school teachers at my school have asked for training on it so I am going to explore it more and will be doing a video blog on it later!


  1. Thanks for linking up! I'm a new follower to pick up some technology tips :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

    1. Thanks for stopping by and following!!! I hope you can get some good tech tips from my blog!

  2. Nikki,

    Thank you so much for linking up! I am LOVING all of the great resources people are sharing!

  3. I linked up too, I completely FORGOT "SERIOUSLY?" I do that all the time when one of my 3rd graders is acting a bit immature.
