Implementing technology centers was a big goal for me this year and I couldn't be happier with the way they have worked out! Last week I created math centers to help the third graders review for their big state test coming up. It is amazing how engaged, motivated and silent students are while participating in technology centers! One of the areas of concern from the third grade teachers was solving word problems so this was the focus area. I am ALL about less paper but I am also from the school of thought that students need to have accountability for their work so here is the recording sheet they were responsible for. I will update with the recording paper since I cannot seem to put my fingers on it at the moment. I thought I had sent it to myself from my work computer but it doesn't appear that way so I guess it is saved at school :)!

Center 1- Educreations with Mrs. Jones- At this center I worked with small groups and reviewed the steps to solving a word problem. We completed one together and then I gave them their own word problem which I printed various levels on labels which they worked out on their paper. Once they had their problem checked and were comfortable explaining they used the iPad to create an educreation! If you have not downloaded this FREE iPad app you definitely should. It is MUCH like Show Me which you all know I am in love with but you are able to add more than one slide, TYPE, and change colors :)! I love how easy it is to save work and that it is sent to the web for easy viewing! Here is one example of a completed educreation!

Center 2- iPad Games- Math Quiz Game Show 1-3 was a quick grab from Apps Gone Free. It is an awesome LakeShore Learning app that plays much like jeopardy! You pick 4 categories and between 1-4 teams. I love that the questions are higher level and you can use work space on the iPad to solve the problems. It also keeps track of your score and gives feedback!

QuickMath is a free app that makes practicing math facts fun! You can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or all four operations combined on three different levels! The best part is that the iPad uses handwriting recognition to record your answer not just a multiple choice or type in :)! The kids L O V E it! The intermediate level also switches the order of the equations which is also love because it makes them really think (i.e. 6 X __ = 48). It also forces them to use neat(er) handwriting because they get really frustrated when the iPad doesn't recognize their crazy looking numbers which impacts their score and time! They get super competitive trying to beat their own high score as well as others fastest times!

Center 3- Teacher Center- Students worked in small groups with their classroom teacher to review a particular objective! Each group was working on something different which really allowed for differentiation. It was a great time to remediate and extend with those who needed it.
Center 4- edcanvas- I know I have shared a little bit about edanvas before but it continues to amaze me! I learned about edcanvas at FETC this year and have been obsessed with it ever since! It is a perfect way to organize a completely independent lesson with a ton of structure. The kids LOVE it too and because it is super engaging. It has everything they need all in one block without having to click around and remember what to do next! Edcanvas has added a few new features and I know it will be a Web 2.0 tool that I use year after year! Check out the
edcanvas that they worked from.
Center 5- TEI SOL Practice Items- Last year Virginia introduced TEI, technology enhanced items on the SOLs which has really increased the rigor of the test. Third grade is the first grade in our state that take standardized tests so we are trying to give them as much exposure to the type of questions that will be asked and the format of the test. We also want to get them familiar with using the tools independently. We have done lots of practice already but this was a great review! Check out the questions
I would love to hear what you think :)!