Tuesday, January 7, 2014

5th Grade QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Happy Tuesday and snow day for lots of my blogging friends! I hope you kept warm as temperatures across most of the country were below zero! I was rather productive today and had an awesome free day! Against all rules I am posting a SECOND blog today. 

I spent most of the afternoon working on a 5th Grade integrated QR Code lesson (math and social studies)! I used QRStuff to make the QR Codes, Google Map Distance Calculator to find the distance between the places and a site for conversions, call it cheating or time saving! Click each image to be taken to the website :)!

Here is the finished QR Code Scavenger Hunt which I will print and display around my room!

Here is the recording page that students will use as they work through the scavenger hunt. 

If you are interested in doing this activity with your students leave a comment and email and I will happily share the original files! You can always adapt and make changes so it will work for YOUR students :)! 


  1. Hi!

    I would love to have the files for this scavenger hunt for my fifth graders! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this scavenger hunt idea. Could you please share the files with me at rohweder@live.com? Thanks a bunch.

    1. Thanks for commenting and I will be sending everything to you :)!

  3. Oops, forgot my email! Can you send me this activity at


    Thanks so much!

    1. Thanks for commenting and everything is coming your way :)! Happy etching!

  4. I'd love your files, too! My 5th graders are going to have an excellent time with this!

  5. I'd appreciate seeing the original files. Can't wait to try with my kids. Thanks for sharing. Lorna

  6. I was so excited to find your scavenger hunt and am hoping you will share the files. I will be teaching the faculty at our school about this next week. I wanted to have something ready to go and greatly appreciate the sharing!

    Thank you -

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