Monday, September 10, 2012


Happy Monday friends! No, I am not still awake at 12:00am BUT I already broke blogging rules by posting twice in one day so I am posting a "scheduled" blog! If you are new to blogger and haven't yet found this awesome little "cheat" I will consider that my technology tip for the day since the majority of this post is dedicated to giveaways!

When you are posting on the righthand side of a new post you should see post settings with a drop down arrow. Under post settings there are 5 settings (labels, schedule, permalink, location and options). If you click Schedule it is set to "Automatic" but you can change this by clicking "Set date and time" and then schedule your post! Awesome?

Alex over at The School Potato is holding a 100+ follower giveaway! She is the one who encouraged me to start his blog and I am SO happy I did! Alex is a new 2nd grade teacher at our school! You definitely need to click her button or the link to check out The School Potato. If you met her you would NOT know it was her 1st year! I'm very excited to be working with her and have future opportunities to co-teach and collaborate with her. She is definitely a natural teacher who is very passionate, enthusiastic and full of great ideas. In just a few short weeks she has become more than a mentee and colleague and I already consider her a great friend. All you have to do is stop by her blog, leave a comment with your email and you will be entered to win a $20 gift card to Alex will pick the winner on Sept. 15 (first payday) using a random number generator like this one (my 2nd technology tip/plug)! 

Isn't it nice to be recognized? Why yes, I did work a million hours last week and I am completely exhausted and it is ONLY the fifth day of school. Thank you for noticing! Did you work around the clock last week and feel like your to-do list was hardly touched? 

The second giveaway is from Technology Tailgate and they are noticing those teachers that go above and beyond! It is an *amazing* giveaway including a $25 Starbucks gift card, iTunes gift cards, TPT units, tech resources, etc. Quick go check it out for yourself and enter to win using the Rafflecopter (my 3rd quick tip for any giveaway)!

Now that I've posted about their giveaways I'm wondering if I should have a follower giveaway soon! What do you think? Is 50 followers too silly? How does my button look that I created in PowerPoint? (this could be my fourth tech tip-PowerPoint is so easy to use and AWESOME for creating buttons, posters, worksheets, etc.). 


  1. Replies
    1. I try :)! Happy Monday friend! Hope you're feeling better! I still have this awful bug!
