Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Beginning of QR Codes

Here is my very first activity ever using QR Codes with 1st graders last year. This *simple* Famous American research center can be blamed for the beginning of my QR Code craze. The kids instantly fell in love with QR Codes and I was hooked. They were reading (about a famous American), writing to record facts they learned and following up with a blog post. Talk about engagement and excitement, my kids were sneaking the center papers into their book bags so they could scan the codes at home! We had a class meeting to discuss the Star Quality of HONESTY and stealing but in actuality I was thrilled when they came up missing and I had to reprint.

When you are getting started with QR Codes linking to a website is by far the easiest way for quick implementation. It is literally a copy and paste of a URL into a QR Code generator like QRStuff. If you haven't used QR Codes before what are you waiting for!? If you have used QR Codes please share how.

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