Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hosting my 1st Linky

Joining linky parties is one of the best ways to attract new followers! Just from Farley's January Currently I gained 10 new followers! Linky parties are also a great way to build your PLN and connect with other educators and blogs. I found about 15 new awesome blogs to follow as I blog hopped on the Currently Linky!  Since I have enjoyed joining linky parties so much I thought it was about time I hosted one! Go big or go home right? I will be hosting a week long technology themed series linky party from January 7th -11th

Here is my graphic (obviously not my expertise) haha! Please post it with a link to my blog on each day you join the linky. Obviously I would love to have you link up every day but there are no rules about how many days! I do love Farley's RULE of 3, go back 2 links and ahead 1 and post a comment!

Monday- Share an iPod/iPad app(s) that you must have! If you don't have an iThing maybe you want to share an app in edmodo or Google Chrome. 
Tuesday- I know you all have something technology related you couldn't live without! What is so special about it? Why do you love it so?
Wednesday- Have you found a wonderful Web 2.0 tool that you could share?
Thursday- Share a trick or tech tip that others may not be aware of or something that really saves you time!
Friday- Post a FREEBIE! It may be a technology lesson/activity, graphic, etc. OR it's your freebie day to post about anything technology related! 

These are loose guidelines, don't get stuck on the descriptions! 
If you get totally stuck just skip that day :)!
 The idea is to share what has been working for you or ideas you have and learn from others.

I thought posting the linky description on Saturday would help generate interest for "weekend bloggers" OR if you write scheduled posts you would be able to get a jump start on next weeks! I cannot wait to see all of your technology themed posts! Let the linky begin on Monday!!! 


  1. This sounds like a great linky! Definitely plan on linking up.:)

    iTeach 1:1

    1. Yay! I am looking forward to it and seeing your posts!

  2. Great idea! I'm not sure I'll be able to contribute a lot, but I will definitely be looking back to see what other teachers have to offer.

    1. Give yourself more credit! I am sure there is plenty for you to contribute :)! Just share what you do and I am sure we will all learn something!

  3. Love it! I will be linking up although I def still have a LOT to learn in regard to using technology in the classroom! I am looking forward to learning a few things. :)Lattes and Laughter

    1. Hey Julia! I am so happy to hear you will be joining me for the linky! I am sure we will all learn something from you :)! Just share what works for you and what you love!
