Wednesday, January 1, 2014

3rd Grade Explorer Project

As promised, here I am making a quick post as I attempt to pull things together for tomorrow. I know I shouldn't complain since we just had the past week and a half off but let's be serious, why couldn't we just get Thursday and Friday off too?

3rd graders are getting ready to start a huge integrated project on explorers! They will be working in the library, lab and their classroom to conduct research on Christopher Columbus, Jacques Cartier, Juan Ponce De Leon and Christopher Newport. They will be using books in the library as well as this Blendspace (the new name for edcanvas) to gather all of their information.

Once they have completed their research they will be able to choose a project for each explorer. There are six projects to choose from.

I am really looking forward to starting this project and I think the kids will be excited too (despite having to come back to school on a THURSDAY)!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have the sites your students used to do their research? And did they have papers they used to write down the information learned from their research?
