Sunday, August 11, 2013

August Currently

Wow, is it August already? I completely skipped July and have taken a serious hiatus from all things school this sumer! As I am frantically trying to get back into school mode I have been blog hopping and realized that August Currently is a great way to ease myself back into it. So I am linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her infamous monthly linky! Better late than never right?

Listening: My husband and I love watching cooking shows! Chopped, Sweet Genius, Master Chef, Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Bar Rescue, OK you get the point. We are a little obsessed with Food Network! My husband is also an amazing chef himself.

Loving: I am really loving every minute of summer. I took a complete hiatus from school and I haven't thought about one thing school since the end of the year. I really needed a break although I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I haven't even unpacked my school bag the end of the year! Every summer I devote to researching, reading, planning, organizing, etc. and this year I just really needed to step back and enjoy summer on different terms. Don't get me wrong I love my job and all that it entails but I just needed a minute {or summer} to feel refreshed. So this summer has been full of fun and throwing myself into another project which has been starting my photography business, Nikki Lee Photography!

I've had a blast spending time with my husband and puppies, going to the beach, tons of girls nights, going on fun play dates, hanging out with friends, sleeping in, reading lots of books not related to school and just relaxing. Roger and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary <3 and I started a photography/personal blog!!! I guess this kind of has three loves so the second is my photography business. I love being able to help people capture memories through photographs that they will treasure for years to come. I could go on and on about this but I will spare you. 

I am also in LOVE with PopSugar's Monthly Box! My friend Erica got me hooked! PopSugar Box comes each month with the latest and hottest goodies. It is a monthly present {to yourself - says my husband}. It is a fun way to try new products that you might not necessarily buy or treat yourself too for a super discounted price! Do you love presents?! Then you should sign up here and use the code REFER5 for a $5 discount! The anticipation of the box alone was well worth the $! Haha!

Thinking: Really? Is it August already? Summer has gone way too fast but has been a blast which always makes going back a little tougher! I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all that has to be done before BTS and the lack of time. {Maybe I should've gotten started a little sooner! OOPS!}

Wanting: I am drooling over two Canon lenses! I really really really want one! I also want the stress of getting my room set up and all of the back to school stuff to be over and done, set up, organized, etc. It is fun watching it all come together but I am feeling like I am so crunched for time that this year I just want it DONE! 

Needing: I really need to get into back to school mode. I am still very much in summer mode and the thought of anything school gives me a mini panic attack. I haven't thought about anything and in addition to the regular back to school business this year I am presenting at a countywide conference for new teachers. I applied back in the spring when I was asked by my supervisor to present one session. I was then asked to do two and when I just opened my school email I see that I am now presenting SIX DURING TWO DAYS! I need to get that together within the next few days but I really haven't grown professionally during the summer months so I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the idea of creating a presentation for newbies! 

B2S Must Haves: 

1. I am obsessed with Sharpie fine point pens! I love that they write smooth and don't bleed through the paper. I LOVE the pink ones and have been scouring the BTS aisles for the double pack of pinks that I got last year! No luck yet!

2. I am super OCD and organized so I must have my calendar and agenda ready to go for BTS! I found a great printable at the end of the year so I am all set to go. {Phew, one thing off my to do list!}

3. Part of the fun of back to school is shopping for a few new outfits! I might have to use this as motivation or bribery to get myself in gear! 

Happy August blogging friends and I apologize for my summer hiatus! I will try to begin posting more consistently :)! 


  1. I keep thinking I need to get onto one of those box memberships. I did join the blogger SLANT box exchange. Did you join that?


    1. Hey Renessa! You have such a beautiful and unique name. I've never met a Renessa before :)! I did not do the blogger SLANT, actually will have to do some Googling to figure out what it is! The PopSugar Must Have Box is ahhhh-mazing {maybe I just LOVE presents or surprises} but it was so much fun. I am anxiously awaiting the next box! If you are interested just follow the link and use the code REFER5 for the discount :)! It will be well worth it! Looking forward to checking out your blog too!

  2. I love fine point sharpies...and you weren't the last to link up! haha!
    Love your blog!

    1. Happy that I wasn't the last one and feeling a little less pathetic about myself and lack everything school :)! Can't wait to explore your blog more as I am your newest follower. Happy BTS! How is it that time already?!

  3. Hi, I nominated you for a Liebster award! Hop over to my blog to see what it's all about:)
    Shining and Sparkling in First Grade

    1. Wow, thanks so much! I've actually already been nominated but may just have to do it again because it was so much fun :)!

  4. Hi Nikki,
    You can just answer the same questions I did:)
    Shining and Sparkling in First Grade
