Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Currently

I am doing a happy dance as I say goodbye to May and hello to June! 
One of the first thoughts I had today was I need to link up with Farley, Oh Boy 4th Grade for June's Currently, priorities I know! I promise now that summer is right around the corner I will be more diligent with my blog (I hope)! Sadly, my last post was May Currently! Oh boy am I behind on some really cool tech things! 

listening: Yes, I am listening to Chopped again on the food Network. I absolutely love this show! It is one of the first shows my husband and I started watching together. He is an amazing chef and can immediately think of ways to use the mystery ingredients. I usually have to Google half of the ingredients although I do love to cook I can't figure out how to put ingredients together.

loving: Summer is so close I can taste it! We have 11 and a half days left of school. Last week I was chatting with a coworker and her teammate came in with a countdown of 13 days. I almost fell off the desk. I knew it was close but it sounds that much better in numbers!

thinking: This year has flown by! I did not feel that way around Christmas but the last few months have really flown. I think it is because I've had lots of fun between January and now with Florida in January, Vegas in March followed by the beach and tons of weekend events! 

wanting: We are heading to OBX the day after school is out and will spend MOST of the summer there ;)! 

needing: Our house is always "clean" because I am super OCD but I need to do a serious scrub and deep cleaning this summer, ya know the hands and knees nooks and crannies type of cleaning. I keep trying to convince my husband that we need to hire a maid for this type of cleaning but since he keeps laughing at me when I mention it I must do it myself this summer. We also each have an extra room in our house and my goal is to clear the clutter from mine. 

essentials: Obviously it is impossible to take just three things on vacation but since my summer vacations will include beach, beach and beach it is important that I have my bikini and flip flops! I will also need my iPad for entertainment and communication purposes :)! I cannot wait to read some good books this summer, pin,pin,pin on pinterest and play games galore! I am obsessed with Words with Friends, Bookworm, CANDY CRUSH and Fruit Mania. I don't go anywhere without my camera and I will be capturing our summer through my lenses! 


  1. So glad I found your blog. I also have a passion for teaching and technology. I hope to be inspired by your ideas as I hope you will with mine.

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

    1. Hooray for another technology enthusiast (or geek), however, you want to look at it :)! I am happy to have another blog to seek ideas from:)! Thanks for following and I hope to have somethings to share with you!

  2. Well, you had me at your blog title. Enjoy the last days and then ... SUMMER BREAK. WOO HOO!

    Also I am OCD in brain but not in body ... so it leads to some serious "where did I put that?" angst. I want things to be tidy but they are often not. I am moving at the end of the summer (bigger place!) so I am hoping to get some organization in place. Won't have to stuff things whereever they will fit ... and where it then bothers me to no end. You'd think an information professional (teacher librarian) could keep track of things better, would you not? Deep cleaning? Yeah. That will probably require outside intervention. Or maybe not. ;)

    1. I thought the blog title was fitting :)! I know the last few days will fly and summer will be here before I know it so I am hoping to enjoy the last days. I am afraid they will drag since as soon as SOL tests are over everyone will be having their picnics and field days and there won't be much action in the lab!

      My OCD only stretches so far too. I have learned over the years to let certain things go and this year I have really let the scrubbing and hands and knees cleaning be put off until summer or I feel good and ready to tackle it! I know it sounds horrible but my house really is pretty spotless haha!

      Good luck on your move, always an exciting and nerve racking process!

  3. Cute blog! I found you through the linky! I completely understand about the deep cleaning. I did that the first day I was off! Hang in there! You are almost done!


    The Bilingual Teacher

    1. Thanks for stopping and I am so glad you found me :)! I am also happy to hear there is hope for my deep cleaning :)! Since the first day off of school we will be heading to the beach mine might have to wait a few more days! Happy summer and I am a little jealous you are already off!

  4. OMG, I am so needing a beach, but I a stuck in the middle of the country. LOL. Have fun. :)

    1. Luckily we only live about 4 and a half hours from the beach :)! Thanks!

  5. I'm with you! I can't wait for summer, I still have until June 28th :(

    Kaleigh's Klassroom
