Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Technology Showcase

Tomorrow is our first annual Technology Showcase at school! The purpose of the event is to allow parents and other community members to see all of the amazing technology created projects as well as how technology is being used in the classroom. We (the librarian and myself have planned the event together) sent out a mass evite to the entire school community which was our first try at an evite school wide and we got quite a few responses!

Teachers nominated students in grade first through eighth by using a Google Form. Then formal invitations were sent to 30 presenters! Once we had all of the presenters selected we created a map of the area (which can be found below)! We also created a little welcome on the front explaining how the showcase was set up and what to do! We want parents to admire the student projects as well as learn a little more about the technology we are using and how we are using it so there are 5 "booths" in the center for parents to visit! We also created a resource guide of FREE or ALMOST free apps that our students love with a brief description of the app!
  • Clicker Quiz- Parents can test their technology knowledge with this 10 question clicker quiz and see how the SMRT Response system works! 
  • QR Code- "Name That App" QR Code Scavenger Hunt! I created a 10 app icon identification QR Code scavenger hunt on brightly colored iPads that will be located around the room! We will also be showing the video of students using QR Codes which we presented at FETC. 
  • iPads/iPods- Parents can check out the apps we have, play an educational game or create their own project using one of our apps! 
  • TodaysMeet- Since we don't have twitter and we DO LOVE TodaysMeet we are inviting parents to "join the conversation" about the Technology Showcase and see how to use this awesome Web 2.0 tool. 
  • Geek Squad- Parents can meet the Geek Squad and see some of their finest projects including their School of Excellence video which is linked to the QR Code on our shirts this year. 

How cute are these presenter badges that I created?

I feel like there is lots more to share but I am exhausted and tomorrow is an even longer day 7:30 am technology training, a jam packed schedule of lessons followed by setup, the Technology Showcase and clean up:)! We are really excited about this event. I hope the night runs smoothly and we make it without too many "technological issues"! Follow up to come!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! You're sweet! Everything is coming together. I just hope it isn't too crazy with all of the technology. I will definitely be posting a follow up and if anyone is interested in the QR Code Scavenger Hunt, Clicker Quiz or other handouts I will share!

  2. Nikki,
    This sounds wonderful! How exciting! Yes, do share after the event.
    An Open Door

    1. It was awesome! I can't believe how well it came together! I just posted a follow up :)! Thanks for commenting!

  3. What an exciting event! I may steal it and share with our administration;) best of luck! I'm looking forward to hearing how it went!

    1. THANKS! It went better than I could have imagined and please feel free to borrow the idea ;)! I just posted a follow up so check that out! If you have any questions just let me know!

  4. I love this idea. I am going to tell my Headmaster about this and really want to see pictures to see how you organized everything. I love your blog and follow you religiously. I am taking many ideas from you. Thanks for all the work you do that benefits the rest of us.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment! It warms my heart knowing that I have at least one religious follower who is really enjoying my blog and using some of the ideas! You made my week!!! I would be happy to share any of the resources if you are interested after reading my follow up post! The night was a huge success and we will definitely be doing it again next year!

  5. I love this idea! I would definitely like to see my school do something like this next year. Would you suggest we wait for spring or would it be a good late fall open house event? I will check out your follow up posts and see what materials you shared. I am sure the event went great!

    Hands-On Happiness


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