Saturday, March 9, 2013

Five for Friday

I just found Doodle Bugs Teaching {first grade rocks!} Five for Friday linky! My blog roll had post after post with this cute Five for Friday icon so I decided to join the fun even though I am a day late (I was tempted to schedule this blog post for yesterday because I like to follow rules)! 

Here are my 5 randoms -

1. We went from "snow storm" on Wednesday/Thursday to sunny skies today and 60 degree weather here in VA! 

2. I leave for Vegas on Wednesday and have been packed since Tuesday! I fit EVERYTHING into a carry on, ok so my husband has two pairs of shoes in his bag and a few other small items since he leaves tomorrow and will be checking his bag.

3. Gremmy had to go to the vet and get a tooth pulled! My amazing husband handled it all and sent me email updates to let me know how she was doing! 

4. Today is the 68th day of the year and I have exactly 68 photos posted in my 365 Project which I am LOVING! 

5. I reached 100 Followers this week and I am so excited to host a 100 Follower Giveaway! I already have three generous friends offering items from their TPT store and an iTunes gift card! If you are interested in contributing please let me know!


  1. Thanks for following! I'm following you back! ;-)
    ideas by jivey

    1. I love finding new blogs to build my PLN. Can't wait to read more of your blog. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Congrats on your 100 followers! Have fun in Vegas!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

    1. Thanks x2! I never been to Vegas so I'm super excited. Three work days to go!

  3. Congrats on 100 followers! I would love to help out with a giveaway! You can email me!

    The weather here in VA has been crazy all winter ! Bring on some spring!

    Reading Toward the Stars

    1. Thanks or your generosity! VA has had some crazy weather but I will take the two March midweek snow days :)!

  4. Found you through Five for Friday. Congratulations on having 100 followers! I'm getting pretty close myself- isn't it exciting?


    Blooming In First

    1. Hey Erica! So glad you found me! 100 followers is very exciting :)!

  5. Congrats on your 100 followers!!! I made 107!!! I am loving your blog and all the technology. I just left you a voicemail and I am just amazed that they make something like that!! I will have to figure out how to add that to my blog!! Thank you for following my teaching blog, please head over to FB and follow my Scentsy blog too (Abby Saunders-Scentsy Family Independent Consultant)...I am trying my hardest to get likes:) I can't wait to add your blog to my scroll on my blog!!!
    Mrs. Saunders' Lovelies

    1. THANKS, you're sweet! I loved your voicemail. I am so happy that you've found my blog and are picking up some good tips and tricks with technology! Thanks again for the follow and I am your newest follower as well #63! I see you figured out Speak Pipe for your blog, way to go!!! I did send you a voicemail reply which is another feature I love about SpeakPipe!

  6. Congrats on your 100 followers! I would love to help with a giveaway! You can email me at

  7. Congrats on 100! I'd be happy to donate. My email is

    iTeach 1:1

    1. Awesome! Thanks for your generosity!

    2. Sorry, I should have specified- any one item from my TpT store. Thanks.:)

  8. I love your thoughts and ideas. This blog is an inspiration. I would like to nominate your blog for the Liebster Blog Award for newer bloggers who have less than 200 followers. You can read the rules in my blog.
