Friday, January 25, 2013

SpeakPipe with QR Code

I blogged about SpeakPipe awhile back but wanted to bring it up again! At the beginning of the year I was using it as a "Help Hotline" for teachers to request help or suggest ideas. I have it linked to a QR Code outside of my door as well as a Google Form. I also have both linked to our IT page for teacher access only. I also have had it on my school pages. The kids LOVE leaving voice messages for me and I really enjoy listening to them! Most of them are sweet and aren't really technology questions or comments just that I am the best teacher in the whole world haha! Now I decided I should add it to my blog!

Speakpipe is still in beta so it is free for now :)! Essentially it allows users to send a voice mail straight to your inbox! You might notice the new Send Voicemail tab on the right hand side of my blog. Go ahead, press it I know you are dying to try it out so go ahead and send me a message! I love getting voice messages just as much as I love reading your comments! Tell me about how you are using QR Codes, what technologies you are using in your classroom, what is your favorite Web 2.0 tool or app, what the weather is like where you live, tell me anything :)! Then go check out Speak Pipe and add it to YOUR blog! You can also create a link to your own SpeakPipe page if you don't want to have the button on the side. I love this cool Web 2.0 tool.

Sticking with this weeks theme of QR Codes! I have created a QR Code also linked directly to my SpeakPipe page if you want to send me a message that way! How awesome would this be for parents? You can add a setting that requires users to leave their name and/or email address! 

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