Monday, January 21, 2013

QR Codes

Leading up to FETC this week's blog theme is going to be QR Codes since I will be presenting SCNAPALOOZA: QR Codes in the Elementary Classroom! 

Have you sent home something with a QR Code on it before really explaining them to parents? I know I am definitely guilty of this. Sure they have seen them around but most parents probably don't know anything about them or how to use them! While I would hope that the student could explain they are kind of an abstract concept for a 6 year old so I created this visual to help parents out. I will be posting this on my Computer Lab page and linking it to our February newsletter since they are ALL over and being used in many classrooms at my school! 

Feel free to download this freebie by clicking the screenshot! 


  1. I love this document! I just made a "How to create QR Codes" video and I am going to link my followers up to this if that is okay with you! This would be great to send home to parent. Thanks!
    The Techie Teacher

    1. Hey Julie! I am glad you like it and hopefully you can use it :)! I have tons of other QR Code posts as I am obsessed :)!
