Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January Currently

Happy New Year everyone! I am linking up with Farley over at, Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for my first Currently of 2013 (maybe I should make a resolution to complete all 12)!

Listening to {silence} explains itself! In the silence I hear dinner sizzling downstairs that my wonderful husband is making, the keys on my MacBook Air going clickety clack (a sound I love) and Gremmy snoring.

I am loving my new camera! It was on last months *wanting* and it appeared under our Christmas tree this year! It is a Cannon Rebel ESO t3i, not that I know what any of that means but it takes amazing photos and I am really excited to be completing Project365, one photo everyday for the year! I haven't decided completely on my platform but started with a Shutterfly Share Site and Project365.org. As I was reading another blog she mentioned that she just created a second blog. I want to find what will be easiest to ensure that I follow through with the uploading!

Don't breaks always go too quickly? I had so much fun with my husband and family and didn't get to everything on my to-do list. I truly enjoyed every minute of spending time with friends and family, relaxing, taking pictures, etc. which is a great feeling but I am also feeling like I am not prepared for this week and I should have worked on our FETC presentation which seems to come up in every Currently as well. 

I realize I am being greedy and wanting snow days is ridiculous right after winter break but I could just use a few more days  one more day to stay in PJS all day, write several scheduled blog posts, work on our FETC presentation, blog stalk and create! I also need to do laundry again, clean around the house (especially our spare rooms which have become the dump and hide zone) and take down Christmas decorations. 

Needing (see above)! I would love just one more week to get myself together and to get motivated for January! Right now I am not feeling fully prepared and a few more days might help with this predicament! 

OWL- one little word obviously has proven to be challenging for me! I am terrible at making decisions and a lot of the words made sense to me. I listened to the list hoping for one to jump out at me but truth is there wasn't just one. I have a small list that I will revisit tomorrow or another word may come to me! 

I have trouble making decisions obviously and I wanted {my own} word, a word that no one else would be using! My husband is laying next to me giggling while looking at pictures on the SCHOOL OF NOT RIGHT Facebook page and my word came to me. One of the photos was a referral with for doing something inappropriate and screaming YOLO. My husband asked me if I knew what YOLO meant and we did a quick Google search!  My word is YOLO (you only live once). YOLO with all of my other words.

YOLO so don't forget to breathe, pause and relax! 
YOLO so make fam{ILY} a priority.  
YOLO so sparkle and shine!
YOLO and remember that {fate} will take care of the "plans"!
YOLO so balance your life with work and play! UNPLUG and don't stress about work all of the time.
YOLO so enjoy every moment of being BLESSED! I am one lucky girl with many blessings.
YOLO so cherish and treasure the little moments, the big moments, everything. Life is too short!
YOLO so choose to be happy, choose to relax, choose to work hard but also play hard, choose... 
YOLO so start living now!

I realize I am breaking the rules by double blog posting, however, since it was a scheduled post does it technically count? Maybe let go should be my words haha! Let it go... it's your blog, who cares if there are two posts in one day, let it go...! 


  1. I am with you! If I could have one more day in pjs I would be happy. It just never seems to be enough!:O)

    I posted my link to Currently after you! We are now following you! Check out our blog if you get a chance!

    Collaboration Cuties

    1. Hey Amanda! Winter break was "cut short" this year because of the way Christmas and New Years fell. There are lots of schools that are out until Monday Jan, 7th but the truth is even with the extra days we would probably be wanting more! Glad you found my blog and I am also your newest follower.

  2. I bought a Nikon similar to yours this summer and I wanted to document newlywed life with the goal of a picture a day. I started with a blogger site, but this month I ran out of room so I am slowly transferring what I had to a shutterfly share site. Hope you have fun capturing all sorts of pictures, photography is a hobby of mine as well!

    1. Thanks for that piece of information I think I will stick with the Shutterfly Share site now :)! I would love to exchange sites if you are interested in sharing. I am always snapping pictures and have probably 10 a day for the past 10 years but have never put them all in one place! This project is also forcing me to focus and choose just one to showcase a snapshot in time. I am so happy you stopped by!

  3. It's amazing to me how long the weeks feel before the break and then those weeks go by so quickly! :)


    1. Isn't that the truth?! I am always amazed at how quickly a weekend day will fly by and how slowly some days at school seem to be!

  4. Breaks do fly...Stinks, huh? Newest follower here :) On a humorous note, your link to your page in your comment threw me for a sec...I was thinking "well, how do I get to her blog?!" LOL

    ~ Ms Apple Blossoms
    Apple Blossoms

    1. Well I am happy you were able to figure it out and find me too :)! Breaks do fly and weekends also but at least it's a short week :)! Happy blogging!

  5. Your OLW section cracked me up... I had a hard time thinking of just one, too... and I wanted MY OWN! The addition of YOLO was perfect ;)

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. I love the idea of OWL and I have such a hard time making decisions and I don't like being like everyone else so I was happy when I found YOLO although I loved many of the other words this one "fit" perfectly :)! Glad you got a kick out of my little rant!

  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I'm so excited to be following you now! :) Love your updated word. YOLO... great words to live by.


    1. Thanks, I think YOLO was the perfect word for me this year :)! I am excited about this. So happy you stopped by and are a new follower. I hope you can gain some cool tech tips !

  7. Great word choice! If you get the snow in NOVA, send some down to Richmond. I'd LOVE an extra snow day. We had a short break this year as well, although I do get one more day. We didn't get out until Dec. 21 though.

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog, which made me visit your blog...LOL
      Stay warm...I'll send you some of my 75 degree weather!

  8. I'm trying Project 365, too! I have a Canon T3 (super similar to yours) and even though I got it last year, I'm still very much learning how to use it. Good luck! I would love to see a few of your photos sometime :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

    1. Hey Jenny! We should exchange info for our projects. I love taking pictures but also looking at other people's too! Here are my two links. I think I am sticking with the shutterfly share site and going to try the Project365.org too. I have found a few awesome blogs and Facebook pages that also offer ideas and photo sharing.

  9. Found you through the January Currently. Love that your love technology and teaching cause those are my 2 great interests too.

    I am a new follower.


    1. Currently is a great way to find new blogs and I am so glad you found me! Hopefully you can pick up a few tricks or tips and even share some of your ideas since you love teaching and technology too!!!

  10. Hi Nikki.. I finally got over here to see you after you stopped by Coffee Cups!
    I hope you enjoy your new camera! I 've had a Nikon, just my own preference for a several years and I'm still learning and relearning.. add in all the stuff you can do on with photoshop and my head spings!
    I'm a new follower!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

    1. Hey Michele! All those buttons can be intimidating and then you add in a new software and it gets overwhelming but I love learning and figuring things out! As part of my gift my husband signed me up for a 3 hour class which is tomorrow! Another close friend of mine got the same camera for Christmas so we are going to look into doing a few workshops or classes together! So happy to have you following :)!
