Sunday, January 20, 2013


January has really flown by and I cannot believe that FETC (Florida Education Technology Conference) is just around the corner! I have finally crossed Finish FETC Presentation off of my To-Do List. Now that the prep work is done I am getting excited for the trip and really looking forward to presenting SCANAPALOOZA: QR Codes in the Elementary Classroom with two colleagues, the school librarian and a 5th grade teacher! If you are attending FETC we would love to have you at our session on Thursday @ 12:00! Join us on edmodo with group code CS8267! If you are attending FETC we will be the crew from VA with hot pink shirts that have large QR Codes on them so look for us! I just need to finish packing and next Sunday I am on my way to sunny Florida for what promises to be an amazing conference! There are so many amazing sessions that I am having a hard time deciding which ones to attending. My FETC Schedule on the app looks a little crazy because I haven't made my final picks yet. I feel like it is Fantasy Football! I will be posting our presentation on my blog after the conference if you cannot make it to FETC this year! 

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