Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Currently

Happy December blogging friends! 
Join the par-tay and ink up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade  for December's Currently! 

listening; I will admit that some of my favorite movies are children's movies! BRAVE is awesome so far. I love that Merida isn't your typical Disney princess! She is fierce, sassy, independent and beautiful, what a great role model for young girls.

loving: Last year we bought our house on December 19th so we were still moving and unpacking and we didn't even have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree! We are so excited to have our first real Christmas tree for our first married Christmas! We bought it last night and will be decorating it tomorrow :)!

thinking: Every year I tell myself that I am going to begin Christmas shopping much earlier! I got a lot done today but still have some to go. FETC is going to be here before we know it and we STILL have so much to do!


wanting: I love taking pictures but my Droid and iPad aren't cutting it as far as quality goes! I have a great Cannon but it has a sand scratch on the lens. 

needing: We haven't been shopping since before Thanksgiving because we went to the beach. Our cupboards are full but our fridge is bare! My husband has only been home for an hour and has already attempted going into the spare room where his gifts are. I must wrap them soon! 

RAK: I truly try to do "random acts of kindess" each day! On Thursday morning there was extra coffee from our Mentor meeting that we put in the lounge for anyone to have. Since I know our secretaries love Starbucks coffee I told them about it and sat at their desk while they made themselves a cup. 


  1. I love your cute blog name! I found your blog through the Currently linky...nice to meet you!

    Keep Calm and Apple On

    1. Thanks :)! I was trying to think of something that people would recognize as being technology related and that phrase kept sticking in my head! I always notice it when I send an email and it kind of makes me giggle because I think, "Who really cares?".

  2. I'm over here from Currently! I, too, NEED to do some serious grocery shopping... the only thing we bought this week was baby food - he can't eat Ramen noodles, yet ;)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We finally got a few groceries today but just to get through the next couple of days haha! I am not much on Ramen noodles but I could survive on gluten-free noodles with non-dairy butter, salt, pepper and cherry tomatoes. LOL

  3. I love children's movies, too! I'm obsessed with Beauty and the Beast. Those furry babies are adorable! :)

    Happy Sunday!

    Bren P.
    The Teacher Diaries

    1. Hey Bren! Love your name! My list of children's favorites is too long to list but an original that I love is Lion King! I am pretty partial but I too think my fur babies are pretty adorable :)! Thanks!!!

  4. Excited to have found your blog. My class has 1:1 laptops so I will def be back to check out your techie ideas.:)

    iTeach 1:1

    1. Hi Kristin! So glad you found me and I am headed over to check you out! Hopefully we can learn lots from each other! I can't wait to read more about your experiences teaching 1:1.

  5. Hi! I just found your blog through Farley's Currently and noticed you are from VA. I am too! What part? Stop by and check out my blog! I am your newest follower!!

    Reading Toward the Stars

    1. Hi Andrea! I am about 20 minutes outside of DC in the NOVA area. How about you? Glad you found me :)! Happy blogging.
