Thursday, November 8, 2012


Earlier this year I worked with a group of 4th graders using Google Docs and Kids Zone Create a Graph website to create bar, line and pie graphs on quiz data. I blogged about it over here if you want to read more about what we did! Anyways, on Wednesday the 4th grade team came to me and asked if there was a way for their students to create a podcast of how to make a graph since the whole class did not do this activity! They wanted the small group who originally worked with me to be the teachers for the rest of the class to be able to create their own graph from survey data that they collected! 

Screenr is an free web-based screen recorder! I stumbled on it over the summer but didn't really know how I would use it since I already have Jing for my MacBook that I use at home and SMART Recorder on my PC at school but I filed it away. Since I was looking for something quick and super easy to use screenr immediately came to mind and worked perfect! It required a 5 minute or less intro and students needed very little direction. They were able to create simple screencasts that were easy to save and embed into our website!

Here is one example! I love it!

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