Friday, November 2, 2012

2012 Mock Election and Google Forms

I am in L<3VE with Google Drive and particularly Google Forms which are created from within the drive! The possibilities are endless and I have used Google Forms for so many different things! Google Forms are SUPER easy to create and they collect and analyze all of the data for you which is amazing!

Since the 8th graders have been studying the political parties and election process we thought it would be a great real life application for them to hold a mock election. We created a Google Form and embedded it in within the computer lab Fusion pages for students to vote. Hurricane Sandy and a few missed days of school ruined our original plans but we were still able to hold the election by having teachers allow their students to vote! Scholastic Election 2012 had some great resources which we didn't get to use but thought would be worth sharing.

It is amazing that even at a young age there is VOTER FRAUD! Middle schoolers were especially dishonest and have at least 10 votes more in each grade than there are students! Each grade level has about 90 students. In 6th grade 147 votes were cast, 7th grade cast 104 votes and 8th grade cast 119 votes. Our school population went from 650 to almost 800! The timestamp on Google Forms is an easy way to see when someone is voting repetitively (each vote is cast within seconds of the next). It is also funny to see that they were trying to be slick by putting a different grade level for each however, the votes are seconds apart and go in order 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc. Kind of makes me giggle but also annoys me at the same time.

Anyways, Obama won with 67% of the votes. Romney received 30% and 3% voted "other." Let the countdown until the election begin and America will decide who lives in the White House for the next four years!


  1. Couldn't live without Google Forms! So great! Our district is getting ready to migrate to Google Apps accounts and I'm so excited to get my school on board with Google Forms in the classroom.

    1. I am obsessed with Google Forms- I mean you can use them for ANYTHING, seriously! I am actually in love with Chrome and all Google Apps. I just downloaded a whole page from the Web Store last night. I love hearing ways that others are using them :)!
