Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Technology Tip Tuesday

Hey blogging friends! I have been learning so much about the ins and outs of blogging in the past few weeks! While I was stalking reading blogs I stumbled across my first Blog Hop! I'm still not actually sure what the difference between a Linky Party and a Blog Hop is but here we go...I missed out on Monday Must-Haves but will be posting today for Tuesday Technology Tip!

So my Tech Tip is actually an application recommendation. I am using the app Reflection and Screen Capture Tool-Lite to create my 2nd video blog! 

The app is called ShowMe and it is a free download for the iPad or iPods. I won't spend much time writing about it as you can see it in action below! I think it is an amazing app and has some huge potential. How do you think it could be used?  

Thanks for stopping by! I would love your feedback or ideas for how you are going to use this app!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by and following :)! Looking forward to stalking your blog!

  2. I'm new to blogging too. I don't know the difference between a Linky Party and a Blog Hop either. Maybe someone will clue us in!! I am your newest follower. I would love for you to stop by for a visit and follow me back!

    1. Thanks for stooping by! I am now your newest follower and can't wait to stalk your blog! BTW the more links I've looked at the better I feel. I don't think anyone knows but it is a great way to network so regardless of the name I'm in!

  3. Wow that ShowMe app looks like it has some potential in my class. I teach first and some of my students are ELL's. I might be able to use this app to demonstrate a center if they are not sure what to do when they get there. Very cool! I'm a newbie blogger too so hop on over to my blog.

    1. It really has endless possibilities. I love the idea of using it to model centers especially for second language learners or struggling students. There are two other similar apps you should check out called educreations and screenchomp. Each one offers different features with the same concept. I will definitely hop over and check out your blog. I'm new but obsessed. My MacBook died and I'm not close to an outlet so I am now on my phone!

  4. Show Me is one of my favorite apps! The students LOVE IT and will do their "show me" over and over until they get it just the way they want it! You can see how we used it last year over on my classroom blog:

    Teach On.

    1. Thanks for sharing! It is an awesome app. I can't wait to use it more this year!
