Friday, August 17, 2012

My room

Happy Friday friends! I spent most of the week in professional development but snuck into school Thursday and Friday to finish up my room! I have a few more touches to put on the lab and then I can begin the "real" work of planning and getting everything synced and updated! 

My allergies were going crazy in the elementary lab so I asked if I could switch the two labs, meaning I would spend much less time in the smaller lab which is the old book room! I moved my center signs over and continued making myself at home! I love how the poms look hanging from the ceiling and I found pink, orange and yellow ones to add which I am excited about! The polka dots look so cute and really help tie everything together! The hot colors look awesome with the black and white! The picture frame was a gift from a former parent who is an amazing photographer and reminds me of my first graders!

I love buckets and baskets! Dollar Store always has adorable ones and I was so excited when I found these pink ones this summer! I wasn't sure what I would do with them but I knew I wanted them and could find a use! As I began organizing my desk drawer I thought they would be perfect! They fit nicely in my drawers! Don't you love all the pink? Yup, that's a pink stapler and a pink calculator!
 This is our school mascot that I painted and laminated for the bulletin board!  I was going to make iPads for them but my PIC shared these adorable neon colored iPods that look awesome. I thought it would be great to have an "App of the Week" bulletin board in the hallway to showcase the best apps. I plan to have my 7th and 8th graders keep up this bulletin board! I'm not sure where I got the letters but they are so colorful and fun!
The lab looks VERY different than it has for the past 6 years. It is bright, colorful and inviting. Our former art teacher who is amazing was in the building yesterday and stopped to check out my new pad! She loved all the colors and what I've done but decided that I needed a "focal point." I'm not sure her technical art talk but I think that's what she said! So I brainstormed with her and the AP and came up with the idea to make a LARGE iPad to hang in the middle of the room! 

I wasn't sure how to undertake this project so of course I hit up Pinterest. For the first time Pinterest had nothing to offer! Today I found a box of chart paper and dumped it out.  I stopped at Walmart and got some black and silver spray paint. I hot glued the box closed, spray painted the front black and the sides and back silver and then used a small roller to paint the white. The apps were found on Google and I played around with the best size. I copied, pasted, cut and hot glued each app on the iPad. A piece of black ribbon is glued across the top and I painted the word iPad, the wifi icon, time (dismissal) and battery power.

For the back I printed the Apple and painted the word iPad with black tempera paint. I cannot wait to get this hung in my room! I am not quite sure how that is going to work but I have ONE idea! 
If you are interested in making a GIANT iPad I would be happy to share the Word Document with the apps and Apple! Happy weekend!!!


  1. Love the iPad! I would love to make one but don't know where I would put it!


    1. Thanks Sara! It was super easy to make and I'm sure you can get your hands on a chart paper box. Let me know if you want the file! BTW I'm your newest follower.

  2. Hi Nikki,
    I would LOVE to have the files for the GIANT iPad. My email is

    I love your room pics and "Thank You".
