Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Sunday friends! I wanted to show you an awesome new animation site that I found called PowToon. I have never worked with animation before and I wasn't sure where to start butI knew I wanted to explore this FREE Web 2.0 tool so of course I hit up Google and Youtube! To be quite honest with you I consult Google and Youtube for JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING (no seriously)! I found this intro which helped me a lot! I created my first PowToon for our new teachers using one of the basic templates. I had so much fun and it was extremely easy to use after I figured out the buttons. There were lots of graphics (people, props, image holders and makers). Once I finished my movie I figured it would be hard to share or save the video clip but I was pleasantly surprise and it was as easy as a click of a button! You can upload to YouTube, share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogger, by email or get the embed code!!!

I've already watched 3 other tutorials on YouTube to figure out what ELSE I can do! Now I am excited to add voice or music and see if I can make my people move or actually be animated (i.e. stand up from sitting down, walk, etc.)! I know my kids will figure out about one million ways to use this and will also become more proficient than me in .02 seconds!

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