Thursday, August 9, 2012

Computer LabS

Today I had a training so I didn't make it in to my rooms but I wanted to post some BEFORE pictures!
Goodbye room 102! I had a few last minute things to grab out of my first grade classroom (tearfully) before the new teacher arrives and begins making this her new home!

Hello Elementary Computer Lab! This is the lab that used to be a reading specialists room. This is the room that is driving me nuts with all of the "clutter"! I have picked out fabric to begin making curtains to hide the books. The wall that you are seeing is white but the opposite wall is yellow. I didn't really have a theme in mind but it all fell into place and I am using black and white polka dots with yellow! I think black and white polka dots are so classic and would have picked pink as an accent color but the wall is already yellow, my 2nd favorite color so it works! It fell into place one night when I was blog hopping and saw School Girl's Style Polka Dots and Daisies Theme
This is the Middle School Lab. The desks, shelves and cabinets are red. It has one light blue wall and three white walls. I am sticking with the black and white polka dot and bright colors (mainly yellow)  in this room and it is looking great!

More pictures to come :)!