Thursday, August 2, 2012

Class Dojo

While checking out some other technology blogs I found this awesome classroom management tool over at Technology in High Heels. The site is called Class Dojo. I think it would be an awesome tool for early elementary students although it says up to 8th grade I think. It is awesome behavior management, student motivation and a great way to save behavior data with just a simple click. The site is FREE and super easy to set up. I created a class of "teachers" just to see how it worked and I was really impressed. You can award students points for positive behaviors and subtract points for negative behaviors. There is a bank of common behaviors but you have the ability to change those or add more of your own. You can even print OR email "report cards" which would be a great thing to send home or to have handy at a conference. Let me know what you think? Is this something you could see yourself using in your classroom? What grade do you teach?


  1. I started using Class Dojo in November, and it is AMAZING. I posted about it here:

    It is VERY easy to use, and the kids responded amazingly to it!

    Teach On.

    1. I can't wait to share Class Dojo with the teachers. I will definitely check out your post. I think it has the power to be an amazing data collection tool, communication with parents and motivation for students. Glad you had such ease with it and that the kids were into it, it's helpful to know this before introducing it to teachers!
