Sunday, August 2, 2015

I promise I can explain!

Sooo... it's been awhile and you've heard crickets from me over the past 8 months after I had made a pledge to be a more conscious blogger but I promise there is a perfectly logical explanation for this....

We found out we were expecting in December and the holidays came and went with a fury! I transferred buildings and will be teaching third grade at a brand new county school that is currently being built. We sold our house, bought a new house, moved, celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary and are currently paintin
g and doing some remodeling. I've also been beyond busy this summer with photography! To say we are over achievers and took a lot on is an understatement. I won't go into ALL the details but that in a nutshell explains my absence in the blogging world.

Somehow today is August 2nd...summer is nearly over...I am due with our first sweet baby boy in 26 days and have a to-do list 6 miles long both personally and professionally! I have not given much thought to the school scene besides a few random pins so I thought now was as good a time as ever to start stalking other blogs and trying to get myself back into the school mode... which will be short lived until our little dude arrives.